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So why should I volunteer at Pablo's?

Working at Pablo’s will boost your confidence and avoid those gym fees by building your muscles and getting you fit.


We work in a friendly team driven environment where it is easy to both learn and make new friends along the way.


We can honestly say it is very easy make a connection with the animals whose personalities soon reach into people’s hearts.

What type of duties am I expected to undertake?

The first rule is we do not ask you to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with or will be any risk to your safety.


Obviously we have a different routine of work depending on the time of the year though jobs such as feed and water, field maintenance, mucking out and sweeping are the norm. 


You will never be thrown in at the deep end!

I want to help, but I am unable to complete physical work

That’s great; we are always on the lookout for non-physical volunteers to help us run stalls, do collections and all types of fundraising. 


Please see Fundraising Section for more information.

Is there a minimum age for volunteers? How can my child help?

The current minimum age we can allow to actively volunteer is fifteen years of age.  

In certain circumstances and by prior arrangement, children may volunteer to help out at the main yard, but will have to be supervised at all times by their parent or guardian.

Will I get bitten or kicked?

None of the animals at the Sanctuary have an aggressive nature.


Volunteers will be shown the correct conduct and health and safety issues at their initial induction.  


As with any animal, working with them poses a small risk and accidents can happen.

Can I get a reference from Pablo's Horse Sanctuary?

Regular volunteering will make you eligible for a reference if you need one.

Pablo’s Horse Sanctuary encourages people who are not in employment or between jobs to keep themselves active or in ‘working shape’ by volunteering.

How often do I have to volunteer?

We are always very pleased to see you whatever time you can spare is great.


Shifts run twice a day – morning and twilight and that’s 365 days a year.

I might have a problem getting to the stables, but I would love to help!

Buses do run to Long Clawson dropping off only 200m down the road.


Though our volunteers do come from all around so if you need a lift contact us first and we may be able to help you out.

I have a disability that may affect my work

As long as you inform the charity owner or senior volunteer it is not a problem, if you do not wish to generally publicise your disability in the workplace we respect & will totally respect your privacy. 


Many volunteers have come to Pablo’s Horse Sanctuary over the years with many problems physical and mental as well as different allergies. 


Our aim is to encourage not discourage.

What sort of clothing should I wear?

We encourage the use of safety footwear and/or Wellington boots, you will definitely suffer without the latter. 


Never wear your best clothes and always be prepared for our lovely English weather so a rain Mac and fleeces are always handy to keep with you even if you don’t need them each time.

Anything else I need to know?

Well, it is a working environment and you are working with animals, you must be aware of and respect health and safety on our premises. 


Weather wise you must always be prepared for the worst


Horses always need care, love and attention if it’s raining, sunny, snowy or frosty.

If you wish to enquire about volunteering at Pablo's please complete the below form

Please note responses to your enquiry may go into your Spam/Trash please remember to check these regularly.​

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